Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Sexism in the viral social media motivational quotes
Sexism in the viral social media motivational quotes
My Sri Lankan Version * |
The original viral image |
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Shuffling cards in PHP
Shuffling cards in PHP
The following demonstrates what I believe to be an efficient means of shuffling a deck of cards, using PHP.
$cards = array(array(suit=>Spade, rank=>01), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>02), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>03), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>04), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>05), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>06), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>07), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>08), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>09), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>10), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>11), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>12), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>13), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Club, rank=>01), array(suit=>Club, rank=>02), array(suit=>Club, rank=>03), array(suit=>Club, rank=>04), array(suit=>Club, rank=>05), array(suit=>Club, rank=>06), array(suit=>Club, rank=>07), array(suit=>Club, rank=>08), array(suit=>Club, rank=>09), array(suit=>Club, rank=>10), array(suit=>Club, rank=>11), array(suit=>Club, rank=>12), array(suit=>Club, rank=>13), array(suit=>Club, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>01), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>02), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>03), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>04), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>05), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>06), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>07), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>08), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>09), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>10), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>11), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>12), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>13), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Heart, rank=>01), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>02), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>03), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>04), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>05), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>06), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>07), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>08), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>09), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>10), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>11), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>12), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>13), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>14));
$shuffled_cards = array();
while (sizeof($cards) != 0)
$card = mt_rand(0, sizeof($cards) - 1);
$shuffled_cards[] = $cards[$card];
$cards = array_values($cards);
We start by initializing our deck of fifty-two cards. Each member of our array is an associative array holding the suit and rank of each card. We then initialize a blank array where we will store our shuffled cards.
The while loop will execute until all of the cards have been popped out of our initial array.
At the beginning of each iteration we start a new pseudo-random seed. Then, we get a random number between zero, and the number of cards we have left to shuffle, minus one (because arrays are zero indexed.) Next, we append the randomly selected card to our shuffled array and remove it from our cards array.
When we remove a card from our numerically indexed array, the array becomes sparse. So if the random number was four, then we are left with indexes one, two, three, five, six and so on. If we hit four through another iteration, there would be no value to add to our shuffled array.
To make our array dense again, we can simply call the array_values function on our cards array and assign it back to cards.
This solution buys us a few niceties, compared to other solutions I have come across. First, at any given time a card is only in one array (except the split moment that we are doing the move). The second is that we dont have to worry about our random number being the same as a previously picked random number, and thus waste time picking another number until we hit a unique number.
Finally, this solution is really just an exercise in efficiently shuffling an array. In a real application I would not use this solution at all. PHP comes with a nice little function named, easy enough to remember, shuffle(). So lets take a look at how one should really implement the solution.
$cards = array(array(suit=>Spade, rank=>01), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>02), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>03), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>04), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>05), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>06), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>07), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>08), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>09), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>10), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>11), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>12), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>13), array(suit=>Spade, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Club, rank=>01), array(suit=>Club, rank=>02), array(suit=>Club, rank=>03), array(suit=>Club, rank=>04), array(suit=>Club, rank=>05), array(suit=>Club, rank=>06), array(suit=>Club, rank=>07), array(suit=>Club, rank=>08), array(suit=>Club, rank=>09), array(suit=>Club, rank=>10), array(suit=>Club, rank=>11), array(suit=>Club, rank=>12), array(suit=>Club, rank=>13), array(suit=>Club, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>01), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>02), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>03), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>04), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>05), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>06), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>07), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>08), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>09), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>10), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>11), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>12), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>13), array(suit=>Diamond, rank=>14),
array(suit=>Heart, rank=>01), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>02), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>03), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>04), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>05), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>06), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>07), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>08), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>09), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>10), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>11), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>12), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>13), array(suit=>Heart, rank=>14));
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Shiny Pokemon are Now in Pokemon GO!
Shiny Pokemon are Now in Pokemon GO!
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Site News and Schedule
Site News and Schedule
I wanted to post a quick note in regards to my posting schedule.
For now, Ill be trying to post the meatier, original content feature posts on Mondays and Thursdays. Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday will most likely have shorter updates depending on whats going on in the gaming universe. Throughout the week Ill be collecting links that I find interesting, and Ill post a list of "weekend reading" on Saturdays.
Well see how it goes, but this is my plan for the next couple of weeks. Ive got a pretty decent list of stuff lined up and Im looking forward to posting all of it.
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�N�s tivemos uma conversa muito, mas muito longa sobre isso com todos os diretores�, comentou o designer Anthony Newman durante a apresenta��o. �N�s percebemos que, para fazer o jogo que quer�amos, e para fazer o melhor jogo poss�vel, usar 30 fps era algo que ter�amos que fazer�, explicou.
�Queremos ter o game com o melhor visual poss�vel�, adicionou o outro designer da Naughty Dog, Kurt Margenau. �Mas ter o jogo consistente, preso em 30 fps. Para mim, isso � melhor do que ter 60 fps vari�veis�.
E eles aproveitaram para listar quais eram os reais desafios de escolher a segunda op��o. �Se quis�ssemos atingir os 60 fps travados, muitas otimiza��es nos ambientes teriam que ocorrer�, comentou Newman. �Isso faria que cada n�vel tomasse mais tempo para ser feito. A mesma quantia de geometria demoraria mais para ser feita porque teria que ser muito otimizada, e isso poderia ter repercuss�es na hist�ria�, explicou.
O grande questionamento, segundo eles, era n�o poder fazer uma cena que eles queriam por conta do tempo dispon�vel. �� uma op��o, como qualquer outra, e voc� tem que considerar ela contra todo o resto�, complementou Newman.
Embora o single player fique com a taxa de 30 frames por segundo, os diretores da Naughty Dog comentaram que almejam os 60 fps para o multiplayer. Uma fase Beta para esse modo ser� dispon�vel no ano que vem, perto do lan�amento oficial do jogo, e os donos de Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection ter�o vaga garantida nos testes.
O est�dio tamb�m garantiu que Uncharted 4 ter� um Modo Foto, mas os detalhes ser�o revelados em breve.
Uncharted 4: A Thief�s End ser� lan�ado em mar�o de 2016, exclusivamente para o PlayStation 4.
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Setup apache PHP MySQL phpMyAdmin on ubuntu
Setup apache PHP MySQL phpMyAdmin on ubuntu
Express Install
Setup apache
Setup PHP
# chown <your username> www
# chgrp <your username> www
Many people asked me how to see the error log of PHP. To see use this command:
$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
Setup MySQL
Connect PHP and MySQL
Setup phpMyAdmin
/* Authentication type */
$cfg[Servers][$i][auth_type] = cookie;
/* Server parameters */
$cfg[Servers][$i][host] = localhost;
$cfg[Servers][$i][connect_type] = tcp;
$cfg[Servers][$i][compress] = false;
/* Select mysql if your server does not have mysqli */
$cfg[Servers][$i][extension] = mysqli;
$cfg[Servers][$i][AllowNoPassword] = false;
Now open localhost/phpMyAdmin on your browser
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Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Singtel email me the iPhone 3G s Sign up to receive pricing and launch date
Singtel email me the iPhone 3G s Sign up to receive pricing and launch date
I already registered to receive the latest info regarding the pricing and launch date. Because usually if you register means you are interested to know or going to purchase it.
Therefore like last year during the launch of iPhone 3G it will always sent me the special discount or privilege to get iPhone 3G which didnt offer to those who didnt sign up for the iPhone info.
So no harm to sign and receive latest info about the iPhone 3Gs and maybe will stand a chance to get special discount too through email.
Heard that its going to launch in July 2009 globally. For those who want to sign up you can use this link by clicking HERE
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Infelizmente, ainda s�o poucos os detalhes relacionados � inclus�o dessa caracter�stica do t�tulo. At� o momento, j� est� confirmada a inclus�o de legendas em alem�o, franc�s, espanhol e italiano, al�m de um sistema conhecido como �Rapport� e de uma �rvore de habilidades in�dita � s�rie.
Tamb�m n�o fica certo se o portugu�s inclu�do vai ser aquele falado no Brasil ou se vai ser o de Portugal. Embora o acordo ortogr�fico preveja a mesma grafia em ambos os locais, as diferen�as culturais naturalmente resultam no uso de express�es distintas dependendo do lugar.
Anunciado durante a coletiva da Sony na E3 deste ano, Shenmue III ultrapassou em menos de 24 horas o objetivo de conseguir US$ 2 milh�es em doa��es. Faltando 24 dias para o final do projeto, j� foram acumulados pouco mais de US$ 3,5 milh�es, valor que ainda n�o conseguiu destravar todos os objetivos extras propostos pela Ys Net.
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Setting up JAVA HOME on Ubuntu
Setting up JAVA HOME on Ubuntu
In the following post, we will follow steps to set up JAVA_HOME for our environment.
First, become root
$ sudo su
and enter password
Next check java install folder
$ which java
However this is just the symbolic link. To find the actual folder, we will use the following command.
$ readlink -f $(which java)
Now we will create a new symbolic link for the actual folder within /usr/lib/jvm called default-java pointing to my Oracle JDK in this case. This will allow me to re-point the symbolic link to any future versions if needed.
$ cd /usr/lib/jvm
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0-oracle default-java
Next, go back to home and open the .bashrc file in editor
$ cd
$ gedit .bashrc
Add the following lines at the end of the file
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Now save and close this file, and close the terminal
Open a new terminal using Ctrl-Alt-T
Enter the command
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
$ java -version
You should see the JAVA_HOME as well as version of Java installed. This way of setting up can allow you to update the current JVM using update-alternatives command. So see how to configure using update alternatives, refer to my previous post.
Thats it!
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Shofer Race Driver RELOADED Full Version Pc Game
Shofer Race Driver RELOADED Full Version Pc Game
The player controls a race car in a variety of races, the goal being to win the race. In the tournament/career mode, the player must win a series of races in order to unlock vehicles and tracks. Before each race, the player chooses a vehicle, and has the option of selecting either an automatic or manual transmission. in SHOFER the cars can suffer mechanical and visual damage.
Career (SHOFER)
Career Mode allows players to unlock new vehicles and new race tracks. Players progress through the career mode by beating a series of �Tournament�. Players complete the career mode (SHOFER Tournament) upon defeating the �Stages� and the kings of Street for each event type discipline.
Tournaments are a set of Stages held at a various locations and tracks. Placing in an event on the Tournaments will earn the player points. Players can complete all the events on a Tournaments to earn enough points to win the Tournaments.
Players will unlock new tracks and vehicles and with every win and king of a Tournament. A race organization starts with one Tournament and a challenge Tournament which provides cars for the player to use at no cost. Players can pick one of the provided cars as a prize after winning a challenge Tournament and buy each unlocked vehicles.
Speed King
Speed Challenge is the Speed King Race types with special sport vehicles.
Drag King
Drag King is a race types with general vehicles.
� Multi user and Multilingual GUIs and dialogues
� In the �My stuff� feature Players can see all cars in their garage and specifically choose how to control cars
� Visual tuning is just sets of livery for each cars.
� Event Types:
Circuit � Players race with up to seven other racers on a closed race course with a set number of laps.
Sprint Class � Up to eight racers take part in a race split into two teams with different performance classes with each having four racers.
Speed Challenge � Players race with up to seven other racers on a closed race A to B course. The courses are generally designed for players to hit very high speeds.
Drag � Racers face off against each other in a knock-out tournament.
� Four different level of hardness
� Easy graphic optimizer feature to rise down and up graphics quality during game play to have a fixed frame rate.
� Rubber Band AI: Dynamic game difficulty balancing
� Very enjoyable Semi-Arcade game play with nitro support
� Realistic suspension and tire model
� Keyboard � Game pad and mouse input controllers support
� Special Kurdish music tracks.
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Sharing Repair Flash Disk Yang Tiba Tiba Mati
Sharing Repair Flash Disk Yang Tiba Tiba Mati
Seperti hari-hari biasanya Kabayan langsung menghidupkan komputer lamanya. Kali ini ia mendapatkan game baru dari Bulbi. Namun saat ia hendak membuka game tersebut dari flashdisk 8 GB-nya, kejadian aneh terjadi. Windows-nya tiba-tiba saja menjadi freeze. Karena panik, Kabayan melakukan rebooting. Namun flashdisk-nya terdeteksi tanpa isi ( kapasitasnya 0 ) dan direkomendasikan untuk diformat. Bagaimana memperbaiki flashdisk tersebut? Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
1. Kita perlu mendownload software yang bernama HP Drive Boot Utility. Perlu diketahui bahawa software ini merupakan buatan dari HP namun bisa digunakan untuk merek lain.
2. Jalankan softwarenya dan pilih drive untuk flashdisk yang akan diperbaiki/repair.
3. Setelah itu, tentukan jenis flashdisknya (FAT, FAT32, atau NTFS)
4. Pilih quick format
5. Lalu klik Start
Efek Samping:
1. Data-data yang terdapat di dalam flashdisk menjadi hilang
Semoga bermanfaat....
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Shingeki no Kyojin Volume 21 NEW
Shingeki no Kyojin Volume 21 NEW
Nama Alternatif : Attack on Titan, ?????
Status : Ongoing
Tahun Rilis : 2009
Rating : 8.60 (
Author : Hajime Isayama
Serialization: Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
Credit : Mangaku
Beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu, umat manusia hampir punah karena raksasa. Raksasa itu bertubuh besar, tidak memiliki intelektual, membenci manusia, dan yang paling buruk.. mereka menganggap manusia sebagai makanan. Sisa-sisa manusia yang selamat membangun tembok yang sangat tinggi untuk melindungi mereka dari raksasa-raksasa.
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Seu XP um Vista misturado com Longhorn Uau…
Seu XP um Vista misturado com Longhorn Uau…
O tema mais lindo para Windows XP, que imita o Windows Vista, misturado com Longhorn. Al�m de ser bonito este tema est� imitando o esilo Aero �Black� do Windows Vista e com leves toques de Longhorn. S�o poucos os complementos do Longhorn neste tema, mais que d�o belos destaques, como por exemplo o bot�o do Menu Iniciar, e algumas partes das janelas.
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Simple VPN autoconnect for Windows 8 and 10
Simple VPN autoconnect for Windows 8 and 10
The simplest way to achieve automatic VPN connection on computer start-up is to create a batch/cmd file with the following command:
rasdial "VPN Connection" username password
- rasdial is the name of the command-line utility that will perform the connection
- replace "VPN Connection" by the actual name of the VPN connection
- replace username by your actual VPN user name
- replace password by your actual VPN password
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Simple geolocation in Ubuntu 14 04
Simple geolocation in Ubuntu 14 04
Geolocation means figuring out where a spot on the Earth is.
Usually, its the even more limited question where am I?
The default install of Ubuntu includes GeoClue, a dbus service that checks IP address and GPS data. Since 2012, when I last looked at GeoClue, its changed a bit, and it has more backends available in the Ubuntu Repositories.
Some commenters on the interwebs have claimed that GeoClue is privacy-intrusive. Its not. It merely tries to figure out your location, which can be handy for various services on your system. It doesnt share or send your location to anybody else.dbus introspection and d-feet
You would expect that a dbus application like GeoClue would be visible using a dbus introspection tool like d-feet (provided by the d-feet package).But theres a small twist: D-feet can only see dbus applications that are running. It can only see dbus applications that active, or are inactive daemons.
Its possible (and indeed preferable in many circumstances) to write a dbus application that is not a daemon - it starts at first connection, terminates when complete, and restarts at the next connection. D-feet cannot see these when they are not running.
Back in 2012, GeoClue was an always-on daemon, and always visible to d-feet.
But in 2014 GeoClue is (properly) no longer a daemon, and d-feet wont see GeoClue if its not active.
This simply means we must trigger a connection to GeoClue to make it visible.
Below are two ways to do so: The geoclue-test-gui application, and a Python3 example.
One easy way to see GeoClue in action, and to make it visible to d-feet, is to use the geoclue-test-gui application (included in the geoclue-examples package)
$ sudo apt-get install geoclue-examples
$ geoclue-test-gui
GeoClue Python3 example
Once GeoClue is visible in d-feet (look in the session tab), you can see the interfaces and try them out.
Heres an example of the GetAddress() and GetLocation() methods using Python3:
>>> import dbus
>>> dest = "org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Master"
>>> path = "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/client0"
>>> addr_interface = "org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Address"
>>> posn_interface = "org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Position"
>>> bus = dbus.SessionBus()
>>> obj = bus.get_object(dest, path)
>>> addr_iface = dbus.Interface(obj, addr_interface)
>>> posn_iface = dbus.Interface(obj, posn_interface)
>>> addr_iface.GetAddress()
(dbus.Int32(1404823176), # Timestamp
dbus.String(locality) : dbus.String(Milwaukee),
dbus.String(country) : dbus.String(United States),
dbus.String(countrycode): dbus.String(US),
dbus.String(region) : dbus.String(Wisconsin),
dbus.String(timezone) : dbus.String(America/Chicago)},
dbus.Struct( # Accuracy
>>> posn_iface.GetPosition()
(dbus.Int32(3), # Num of fields
dbus.Int32(1404823176), # Timestamp
dbus.Double(43.0389), # Latitude
dbus.Double(-87.9065), # Longitude
dbus.Double(0.0), # Altitude
dbus.Struct((dbus.Int32(3), # Accuracy
>>> addr_dict = addr_iface.GetAddress()[1]
>>> str(addr_dict[locality])
>>> posn_iface.GetPosition()[2]
>>> posn_iface.GetPosition()[3]
>>> lat = float(posn_iface.GetPosition()[2])
>>> lon = float(posn_iface.GetPosition()[3])
>>> lat,lon
(43.0389, -87.9065)
Note: Geoclues accuracy codes
Ubuntu GeoIP Service
When you run geoclue-test-gui, you discover that only one backend service is installed with the default install of Ubuntu - the Ubuntu GeoIP service.
The Ubuntu GeoIP service is provided by the geoclue-ubuntu-geoip package, and is included with the default install of Ubuntu 14.04. It simply queries an server, and parses the XML response.
You can do it yourself, too:
$ wget -q -O -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CountryName>United States</CountryName>
The default install of Ubuntu 14.04 also includes (the confusingly-named) GeoIP. While it has the prefix Geo, its not a geolocator. Its completely unrelated to the Ubuntu GeoIP service. Instead, GeoIP is a database the IP addresses assigned to each country, provided by the geoip-database package. Knowing the country of origin of a packet or server or connection can be handy.
geoip-database has many bindings, including Python 2.7 (but sadly not Python 3). Easiest is the command line, provided by the additional geoip-bin package.
$ sudo apt-get install geoip-bin
$ geoiplookup
GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
Back in 2012, I compared the two methods of geolocation in Ubuntu: GeoClue and GeocodeGlib. GeocodeGlib was originally intended as a smaller, easier to maintain replacement for GeoClue. But as we have already seen, GeoClue has thrived instead of withering. The only two packages that seem to require GeocodeGlib in 14.04 are gnome-core-devel and gnome-clocks
GeocodeGlib, provided by the libgeocode-glib0 package, is no longer included with a default Ubuntu installation anymore, but it is easily available in the Software Center.
sudo apt-get install gir1.2-geocodeglib-1.0
That is the GTK introspection package for geocodeglib, and it pulls in libgeocode-glib0 as a dependency. The introspection package is necessary.
Useful documentation and code examples are non-existent. My python code sample from 2012 no longer works. Its easy to create a GeocodeGlib.Place() object, and to assign various values to it (town name, postal code, state), but I cant figure out how to get GeocoddeGlib to automatically determine and fill in other properties. So even though it seems maintained, Im not recommending it as a useful geolocation service.
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SimCity PC Download Free Full Version Game
SimCity PC Download Free Full Version Game
SimCity Limited Edition
The successful city-building simulation is back! Build the city of your desires and meet the right decisions to your city to give a face and satisfy the Sims living in it.
Every decision, big or small, has an impact on the city. Invest in heavy industry, and your business will be booming. But also the health of your Sims will suffer from the pollution. Use green technologies and Increase the quality of life of your Sims. So you risk but higher taxes and unemployment. Team up with your friends and master global challenges: fly into space, reduces CO2 emissions, or build the magnificent wonders. Enters into global or regional rankings with other players in order to build the largest, dirtiest, happiest or most popular with tourists town!
Order before the Origin exclusive SimCity Digital Deluxe Edition and get the three European city packages. Build world-famous attractions such as the Brandenburg Gate, the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben. Watch as the shops, houses and vehicles in the vicinity of the sights slowly take the atmosphere, the style and architecture of the country.
Moldable worlds: Get creative and shape a world with unique performance characteristics - all in connection with entertaining touchscreen capabilities.
The opinion of the Sims: The Sims your city to talk directly with you. It is your job to meet their needs. Are you listening to them and become the hero of the city? Or will you abuse your power of fame and fortune?
Your favorite discipline: Build a leisure city with casinos, an industrial center, a university city, and more. Track with how it became a unique cityscape creates a distinctive flair.
Multiplayer: For the first time with friends to build an entire region! You can work together in regional and global challenges with other players or play against them. Your decisions affect of SimCity on the whole world.
Glassbox engine: SimCity presents the Glassbox engine. With this revolutionary simulation technology you can influence the biography of individual Sims, change the simulation at the city level and regulate multiple simulated cities simultaneously.
Additional content Limited Edition
New Characters: MaxisMan, protector of SimCity - The nasty Dr. Vu and his henchmen.
Crime Wave: The nasty Dr. Vu is on the loose and wants to spread chaos in your city. The super-villain keeps the police busy. The nasty Dr. Vu is trying to hire Sims as followers and implement his devious plan into action.
Super Hero Central: Laying the headquarters of MaxisMan to your city to fight crime and protect your Sims. Equip them with the turbo engine workshop and the Retikulator Landing.
Criminals hiding: Laying the hideout of Dr. Vu in your city to unleash a wave of crime. While the nasty Dr. Vu committed more crimes, you may be hiding with a special laboratory and the garage for VuMobil of the nefarious Dr. Vu upgrade.
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Shadow Na Escuridão AVI Dual Áudio RMVB Dublado
Shadow Na Escuridão AVI Dual Áudio RMVB Dublado
Titulo Original: Shadow
T�tulo Traduzido: Shadow: Na Escurid�o
G�nero: Terror
Dura��o: 74 Min.
Tamanho: 700 Mb
Qualidade de Audio: 10
Qualidade de V�deo: 10
Formato: .AVI
Qualidade: DVDRip
Resolu��o: 640 x 352
Codec do V�deo: XviD
Codec do �udio: MP3
Idioma: PtBr,Eng
Release by: 3LT0N
Legenda: BAIXAR
Encoder by: LeandroPark
Ano de Lan�amento: 2011
Fileserve | FileSonic
Fileserve | FileSonic
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Setting up a TFTP Server
Setting up a TFTP Server
atftp is Multi-threaded TFTP server implementing all options (option extension and multicast) as specified in RFC1350, RFC2090, RFC2347, RFC2348 and RFC2349. Atftpd also supports multicast protocol known as mtftp, defined in the PXE specification. The server supports being started from inetd as well as in daemon mode using init scripts.
Install atftp Server in Ubuntu
sudo aptitude install atftpdUsing atftpd
By default atftpd server starts using inetd so we need to tell atftpd to run as a server directly, not through inetd.Edit /etc/default/atftpd file using the following command
sudo gedit /etc/default/atftpd
Change the following line
/tftpbootsave and exit the file
Now you need to run the following command
sudo invoke-rc.d atftpd startConfiguring atftpd
First you need to create a directory where you can place the files
sudo mkdir /tftpbootSecurity configuration for atftp
sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot
sudo chown -R nobody /tftpboot
sudo /etc/init.d/atftpd restart
Some level of security can be gained using atftp libwrap support. Adding proper entry to /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny will restrict access to trusted hosts. Daemon name to use in these files is in.tftpd.
in.tftpd : FQD or IPatftp client installation
Advance Trivial file transfer protocol client,atftp is the user interface to the Internet ATFTP (Advanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol), which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. The remote host may be specified on the command line, in which case atftp uses host as the default host for future transfers.
sudo aptitude install atftpThat�s it you are ready to transfer your files using tftp clients
Testing tftp server
Tranfering file hda.txt from (Client using tftp) to (Server Get an example file to transfer (eg. hda.txt)
touch /tftpboot/hda.txt
chmod 777 /tftpboot/hda.txt
ls -l /tftpboot/
total 0
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ruchi ruchi 223 hda.txt
atftp> put hda.txt
Sent 722 bytes in 0.0 seconds
atftp> quit
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-rwxrwxrwx 1 ruchi ruchi 707 2008-07-07 23:07 hda.txt
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Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 adalah sekuel dari Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. Permainan ini membawa kembali fitur dari game pertama seperti Devil Auction , tetapi juga mencakup fitur-fitur baru seperti Enishi System.
Protagonist |
Airi Ban |
Daichi Shijima |
Fumi Kanno |
Io Nitta |
Jungo Torii |
Keita Wakui |
Makoto Sako |
Otome Yanagiya |
Melancholy Man |
Tiko |
Tycho |
Yamato Houtsuin |
Ronald Kuriki |
Hinako Kujyo |
Yuzuku Akie |
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Silent Reader is The Great Hero
Silent Reader is The Great Hero
Today i found some of my post have a facebooks likes. I didnt check on them later, but where the like things comes anyway?
I think all of you maybe know about a silent reader, the people who dont care about the posts writer, s/he just find out a keyword that s/he wants and then found our post. A silent reader maybe the most frequently readers to read our post. Do you know? 90% of our posts reader is a silent reader.
We never know that sometimes our post will be on the TOP of a some keywords search because of them, the silent reader, who knows nothing about the writer but keep reading the post.
Maybe some of you are annoyed with them, s/he always visiting your blog and read your post but never leave even just one comment. You may sometimes desperate that your post is worth nothing to people, so they just read it and leave them away. Or, sometimes you feel that your blog is lack of appreciation, then you think your blog isnt famous like another blog which have a lot of comment on their post, YOURE-MAYBE-WRONG...
The great writer is not measured by how many comments they have in their blog, or how many appreciation theyve got from the readers. The great writers is measured by how many people who inspired with their post. Thats it !
When i said the silent reader is the great hero for us (blogs writer), i will believe that this thing is TRUE. When the silent readers find out our post interesting, sometimes they will inspired by you, and maybe promote your blog to another readers, or know you from your blog.
Silent reader will also make our blog statistic go up. If there no silent reader, maybe our blog will silently dead.
If you just want your blog to be famous, without posting some interesting or inspired people, youre wrong. Being a writer in a blog is not just make a post to be something and famous. We also must make our post usefull for people who read it, or maybe sometimes inspired them. We must make our post interesting too, so our silent reader will stay and keep reading our blog, and maybe sometimes they will become the best people to promote your blog.
The silent reader is not bad at all. If we still keep our post and blog interesting, sometimes they will not be impossible to become an active readers, who always appreciate your blog, read and comment at it.....
So, dont stop to writing if you love it and wants to inspire people with your blog ! The great blogger need a couple of years to make their blog to be famous. Thats also not be separated from their effort in years to keep their blog interesting and inspire people~=]
The last, for the silent reader who always read my blog, much much thank you for your visit, may my post here will be inspiring you and being usefull for you... For the blog writers, keep writing guys!!! Theres no post to not be appreciated at. The problem is in your effort, thats are you want your post to be interesting or not~= b
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Singham Returns 2014 – DVDSCR
Singham Returns 2014 – DVDSCR
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